New Year resolutions can be hard on some. The pressure to claim that you will change your life, your patterns, your way of thinking…whatever it may be, change can be hard and even scary for some. Many cultures celebrate the New Year at different times throughout the calendar year, spanning from January through September. The concept of a New Year is accepted throughout cultural divides but the meaning, purpose and time have slightly different variations depending on where you are and what you celebrate.
While the New Year can bring a time of reflection and refocusing it can also bring up feeling of loss or regret that we may have about the year past. As a parent the New Year brings something different than it used to. Since giving birth to our daughter I focus less on what I can do, or should do, and rather reflect on what I have been doing, how I have been doing and how I would like to continue doing. After all, this life is one long cycle, we are all on our own calendars and sometimes the New Year doesn’t come until February or March or even April. As parents the proverbial calendar or clock is almost a mockery of what should be. Yes, it is 2am on a Monday and I have an 8am meeting and yet here I am with a sick child, holding him/her and ensuring that they are alright. When you are a parent you realize that children and life have an agenda of their own and while some years the holidays are spent laughing and carefree others might be spent with a house full of the flu and stomach bugs. So let it be what it must, allow life to exist as only it can and try not to get lost in the presumption of what a single day should mean. Look at the New Year as the potential beginning of a new start but remember also that each new day offers this new beginning, this reset button of time. Being a parent is the hardest job in the world, it is also the most rewarding. Take a deep breath, remember you are a rockstar no matter what the day simply because you are a parent, day-in and day-out. Happy New Year to everyone out there and remember, if today doesn’t work for you to reset, renew or refresh; try again tomorrow. Never stop trying and never stop believing in you.
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AuthorI am a mother, not a wizard. I share what is hard, what is scary and what is real. The rest I leave to you. Archives
June 2022